Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Which side?

I heard a piece of wisdom. Can't remember where I heard it. It went something like this:

One way to discern a man's intelligence is by observing which side of his face he shaves first.

I have lain awake for many nights, pondering this. What could be the connection between my intelligence, and the side of my face I choose to shave first? I am still stymied as I write.

The very fact that I don't see a connection, I think, clearly marks me as a man of lesser intelligence. Were only I more intelligent, I would understand why it matters.

I stand before my mirror, shaving, and think to myself, but I am going to shave my whole face.

No matter where I begin, the end result is the same: I am clean shaven.

Perhaps the statement implies a hypothetical interruption. Perhaps an intelligent man, knowing that shaving a couple days worth of stubble can take some time, would begin shaving the side of his face that absolutely must be shaved, just in case he is interrupted and must run off, mid shave.

But what side would this be? The left side? It seems to me that unless the man in question is a magazine model (or rough equivalent), and one who only has pictures taken of his left side at that, anybody talking to him face-on would think he looked ridiculous. I doubt that walking around in such a state could do anything to bolster estimations of his intelligence.  

I wondered if perhaps the saying referred to different parts of the face, drawing an implied distinction between areas: neck, chin, cheeks, and upper lip. This makes some sense. An intelligent man (or a vain one) would know the areas of his face that look the best if he is to be only partially enstubbled. For example, I know that my moustache area, of all the places I grow facial hair, looks terrible. Thus, I always shave my upper lip first. So, if I am called away early, I can rest assured that I stride from my bathroom with a visually pleasing partial shave.

Sadly, I am forced to throw out this hypothesis, because the saying clearly states "side" of the face, and not "part" of the face.

In my consternation, I've also pondered the relevancy of right- and left-handedness, electric and straight razors, the presence of shaving cream, the time of day, and whether the man in question is single or married. None of these avenues have supplied a reasonable answer. So, I remain an unintelligent man, resigned to choosing randomly the side of my face to shave first, in the hope that I might accidentally stumble upon the correct answer, and greater intelligence. Today, hmm, let's see. I think I'll start with...the right side. Hey! Wait a sec...


  1. Don't you always start on the same side? I do. I wonder if intelligence is linked to one sock, one shoe or both socks first?
    AKA Jude

  2. Lucky for you, you tall, dark, handsome and hairy about your face chap. What about those of us who are cruelly disadvantaged by virtue of gender, and can't indulge ourselves in the exquisite pleasure of shaving as daily routine of contemplating our intelligence? On the other hand, most of us naked-faced shave our armpits no and then...Today, hmm, let's see. I think I'll start with...the right underarm. Hey! Wait a sec...
